
Lifecycles offers many LCI databases to use in SimaPro in Australia. These include the renowned AusLCI database, Social Hotspot Database, Carbon Minds, and the National Pollutant Inventory database.

  • The AusLCI database is an initiative of the Australian LCA Society (ALCAS). It contains over 983 processes including beef, cropping, horticulture, asphalt, concrete, plasterboard, water supply, transport, electricity, natural gas, irrigation systems and processes, and tractor operations.

    ​These have been implemented into a SimaPro database in both a unit process and system process version link to unmodified, non-regionalised ecoinvent 3.10 processes wherever there is a gap in the Australian data or a supply required from other regions. This provides a greater level of consistency by using the same background and modelling constructs ─ any updates to ecoinvent 3 are now simply overlaid on the AusLCI database.

    Both files are password-protected and available exclusively to ecoinvent license holders. Please contact to request access.

    For SimaPro users, an EN15804 compliant version of AusLCI V2 + ecoinvent 3 is also available to purchase. Please see pricing here.

  • SHDB can serve as a valuable tool to conduct risk assessments around complex social issues. The Social Hotspot Database consists of a multi-regional economic input-output data which provides local and global supply chains and links these to a broad range of social metrics aligned per sector and per country.   
    The Social Hotspot Database is a tool that supports not only supply chain managers, but has applications for policy-makers, development organizations, investors and donors as well. 
    This information is not produced to provide an incentive to divestment in high-risk regions. On the contrary, the data made available should direct attention to social issues that are in need of enhanced engagement. 

    Examples of  SHDB applications are listed below:

    • Prioritize site-specific data collection and audits.

    • Produce product category and commodity sustainability assessment.

    • Inform Socially Responsible purchasing processes (e.g. questions to be asked when sourcing).

    • Advise investment opportunities.

    • Provide perspective and context to site-specific assessment results and sustainability reporting.

    • Develop sponsored programs designed to improve the social conditions of production.

    • Communicate about governmental policy and programs.

    • Assess/report on the scope of a certification or social footprint results.

    • Educate about the social conditions of production.

    In particular, recent applications of the SHDB by our users include:

    • ​Project sustainability assessments: a UK university used it for a biorefinery sustainability assessment. A large number of consultants and academics located on 4 continents report using the SHDB portal in their projects.

    • Supply chain social due diligence: the US Cradle to Cradle Institute certification encourages participating companies to use the SHDB to conduct supply chain social risk reviews.

    • Trading partners sustainability performance assessment: an EU government agency is using the tool to perform an initial assessment.


    Different price options are available depending on country development and affiliation, however only Australian prices are shown below. There is separate pricing for the SHDB and annual service contracts.

    All prices are in Australian dollars, exclusive of GST.

    Licence types:
    Public / Private sector                             $11,269
    Public / Private sector, additional            $4,829
    Multiple academic                                   $8,049
    Single academic                                      $4,829

    Service contracts:
    Public / Private sector                             $4,829
    Public / Private sector, additional            $2,819
    Multiple academic                                   $3,619
    Single academic                                    $2,419

    Please find our subscription order form here.

    ​*Prices updated as of January 2025.

  • cm.chemicals by Carbon Minds is a large-scale database for the environmental assessment of chemicals and plastics. Backed by a consistent methodology and annual updates, cm.chemicals is a one-stop data source for ISO 14040/14044 compliant life cycle assessment studies. The database covers the main chemicals and plastics responsible for 75% of the industry’s global greenhouse gas emissions.

    cm.chemicals is available as a yearly subscription to SimaPro users with a current service contract.

    Find out more here.

    Prices (All prices in Australian dollars excluding GST)

    Essentials – Global insights: $8,580
    Plastics – Global insights: $8,580

    Essentials – Global insights: $4,290
    Plastics – Global insights: $4,290

    Contact us to purchase.

  • The Australian NPI database is not a life cycle assessment library but is a great resource for assisting the development of life cycle inventory (LCI). The database contains a unit process for each reporting facility in the national pollutant inventory. Reported annual emissions are included as elementary flows including specification of the sub compartment, source (point source or fugitive) and the estimation techniques.   These individual processes are aggregated by sector, and by postcode and then by state. 

    The database can be downloaded below in SimaPro 7.3 format as a SimaPro backup file. 

    Download now