Built on robust science and life cycle thinking, our sustainability software is built for product designers, decision-makers and sustainability experts. The technology provides insights you need to make better decisions and reduce the environmental footprints of products and services.
PIQET is a streamlined Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool designed to quickly calculate the environmental impacts and resource consumption profiles of different packaging options. PIQET is used by leading material suppliers, packaging companies and brand owners around the globe to track their progress on reducing carbon emissions.
Calculate and compare packaging options
Rapidly make informed decisions in less than 30 minutes
Effectively communicate your design decisions to your audience
Proactively address customers concerns
Intuitive interface - Our interface is easy to use, assisting you to conduct a comprehensive yet rapid LCA
Global database - PIQET brings together a wide variety of data source and models in an easy-to-use interface. We have a variety of options for inputting data and outputting results
Customisation - Ability to customise repeat inputs. eg. transportation, materials and more
Collaboration - Enhanced multi-user management
Visual reporting - To showcase the impact of wasted products, highlighting the role of packaging to prevent product waste
See more here.
PIQET is an online LCA tool to assess packaging sustainability.
SimaPro is a professional all-in-one tool chosen by industry, research institutes and consultants as the world's preferred Life Cycle Assessment software.
Lifecycles is the Australian and New Zealand distributor and support point for SimaPro LCA Software.
The world’s leading LCA software chosen by industry, research institutes, and consultants in more than 80 countries.
SimaPro LCA software is widely used in Australia and New Zealand, and users have access to an Australian LCA database which includes data relevant to New Zealand too.Find out more about the SimaPro features here.
SimaPro allows you to model products and systems from a life cycle perspective. Users build complex models in a systematic and transparent way using SimaPro's unique features such as parameters and Monte Carlo analysis. SimaPro comes fully integrated with the well known ecoinvent database and is used for a variety of applications, like:
Carbon footprint calculation
Product design and eco-design
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
Environmental impact of products or services
Environmental reporting (GRI)
Determining of key performance indicators
Business versions are available as a single user or a unique multi-user network version, which is ideal for teamwork.
Educational versions come in two types for educational purposes only. For paid research and consultancy type projects, please select a professional version.
A comparison graph of the different features for each version is available on the Pre website. If you are unsure of what version would suit your needs best please contact us to discuss your options further.Compare different types of SimaPro here.
Experience how SimaPro works with a fully functioning demo version. A guided tour will provide an overview in of the software. Create your first LCA model in SimaPro using the tutorial provided.
Try SimaPro here.
Purchase Simapro Software
Social Hotspot Database
Social Hotspot Database can serve as a valuable tool to conduct risk assessments around complex social issues.
The Social Hotspot Database consists of a multi-regional economic input-output data which provides local and global supply chains and links these to a broad range of social metrics aligned per sector and per country. The Social Hotspot Database is a tool that supports not only supply chain managers, but has applications for policy-makers, development organisations, investors and donors as well.
This information is not produced to provide an incentive to divestment in high-risk regions. On the contrary, the data made available should direct attention to social issues that are in need of enhanced engagement. -
Prioritise site-specific data collection and audits.
Produce product category and commodity sustainability assessment.
Inform Socially Responsible purchasing processes (e.g. questions to be asked when sourcing).
Advise investment opportunities.
Provide perspective and context to site-specific assessment results and sustainability reporting.
Develop sponsored programs designed to improve the social conditions of production.
Communicate about governmental policy and programs.
Assess/report on the scope of a certification or social footprint results.
Educate about the social conditions of production.
Project sustainability assessments: a UK university used it for a biorefinery sustainability assessment. A large number of consultants and academics located on 4 continents report using the SHDB portal in their projects.
Supply chain social due diligence: the US Cradle to Cradle Institute certification encourages participating companies to use the SHDB to conduct supply chain social risk reviews.
Trading partners sustainability performance assessment: an EU government agency is using the tool to perform an initial assessment.
Different price options are available depending on country development and affiliation however only Australian prices are shown below. There is separate pricing for the SHDB and annual service contracts.
Database pricing for Australia
Licence types
Public / Private sector: $10,329
Public / Private sector, additional: $4,429
Multiple academic: $7,379
Single academic: $4,429Service contracts
Public / Private sector: $4,429
Public / Private sector, additional: $2,579
Multiple academic: $3,319
Single academic: $2,209*Prices updated as of October 2024.
Databases available for use in SimaPro in Australia, including:
AusLCI database
The database being developed by Australian LCA Society (ALCAS)
Australian input-output database
Developed in collaboration with the Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory
Social Hotspot Database (SHDB)
A unique database for supply chain social impact investigation
Data Reports
Reports developed by lifecycles
Bespoke LCA Tools
Our team can create bespoke LCA tools developed for ongoing assessment of common products or service systems. This could be paper-based, spreadsheet-based or developed within SimaPro LCA software.